Community Proposes Alternatives to E. 12th Street Luxury Tower
Posted in Affordable Housing, Community, Economic Development, Environment, Gentrification, Health, Housing/Foreclosures, Labor By Tulio Ospina Nearly 200 community members attended the East 12th Street Wish List planning…
Nurses Back Bernie Sanders for President
Posted in Economic Development, Education/Schools/Youth, Elections & Voting Rights, Environment, Health, Labor, Police-Public Safety, Politics, Reentry/Formerly Incarcerated, voting rights Candidate calls for an end to racism and mass…
Eastlake Community Group Says “Fight Continues” to Stop E. 12th Street Luxury Tower
By Ken Epstein A group of neighbors who are leading the fight against the luxury apartment tower…
“No Coal, No Way,” Say Protesters
Posted in Army Base Jobs, Climate change, coal dispute, Economic Development, Environment Protesters rally to stop the coal shipments from Utah to the…
Health Dangers of Coal Spark Local Debate
Posted in Climate change, coal dispute, Economic Development, Environment, Health, Labor, Transportation Operators at the Spring Creek Mine near Decker, Mont., apply a topper agent…
Pope Francis Returns to South America, Calling for Climate Justice for the World’s Poor
Posted in Climate change, Environment, Equal Rights/Equity, Uncategorized, World News He says government should include indigenous groups, people of African descent, women in…
Mayor Says No to Coal
Posted in Economic Development, Environment, Health, Labor, Transportation “We will not have coal shipped through our city,” Says Schaff By Tulio Ospina In…
Residents Support Water Cutbacks But Worry About Rate increases
Posted in Climate change, Environment By Nikolas Zelinski A recent Field poll indicates that 65 percent of Californians support Gov….
Lynette McElhaney Puts Damper on Tagami’s Coal Plan
By Ashley Chambers News has spread of developer Phil Tagami’s plan to negotiate a deal with four…
Tagami’s New Deal to Bring Coal to Oakland Draws Opposition
Posted in Community, Economic Development, Environment, Politics, Responsive Government By Ashley Chambers Now that the Oakland Army Base development project is well underway,…