Oakland Job Programs
Activist Cat Brooks Joins Race for Mayor of Oakland
Posted in Against White Supremacy, Economic Development, Elections 2018, Equal Rights/Equity, Gentrification, Housing/Foreclosures, Immigrant Rights, Labor, Libby Schaaf, Oakland Job Programs, Police-Public Safety, Racial profiling, Rebecca Kaplan, Responsive Government, Restorative Justice Cat Brooks,…
Opinion: Re-elect Desley Brooks to City Council
Posted in Affordable Housing, Against White Supremacy, Community, Desley Brooks, Economic Development, Elections 2018, Equal Rights/Equity, Housing/Foreclosures, Labor, Oakland Job Programs, Politics, Racial profiling, Reentry/Formerly Incarcerated, Responsive Government By Dan Siegel, Oakland…
Councilmembers Delay Vote on Proposal for Construction Job Opportunities for Oaklanders
Pre-apprenticeship building trades trainees from the Cypress Mandela Training Center, which was founded by the Oakland Private…
Opinion: Full Funding For Apprentice Training and City Job Centers
By Desley Brooks, District 6 Councilwoman Construction is booming in Oakland. From almost anywhere in the city…
Stopping the Stadium Mega-Development Was an Important Victory, But This Fight Is Far from Over
By Alvina Wong After four months of organizing by Laney students, faculty, and staff, Chinatown and Eastlake…
Anti-Coal Activists Announce Boycott of Phil Tagami’s Rotunda Building
Posted in Army Base Jobs, coal dispute, Economic Development, Health, Oakland Job Programs Young people join protest Tuesday at the downtown Rotunda Building…
Port of Oakland Passes Groundbreaking Jobs Policy
After 21 months of negotiations with the local community, the Port of Oakland Board of Commissioners voted…
East Oakland Organizations Unveil New Grassroots People’s Agenda
East Oakland residents gathered in front of city hall his week to unveil a community-created East Oakland…
Oak Knoll Project Passes Council Committee, Goes to City Council for Approval
By Ken Epstein The City Council Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee this week approved zoning changes…
Students and Staff Say Laney College Threatened by Proposed Ballpark
Posted in Coliseum City, Economic Development, Gentrification, Housing/Foreclosures, Oakland Job Programs, Responsive Government Front row: part-time instructor Evan DeGennaro, student Lauren Jelks.Top row (l…