Coliseum City
Pastors, Black Panther Co-Founder, Residents React to Outside Money Pouring into D-6 Council Race
Posted in Coliseum City, Desley Brooks, Elections & Voting Rights, Elections 2018, Gentrification, Homelessness, Housing/Foreclosures, Illegal dumping, Labor, Libby Schaaf, Police-Public Safety, Racial profiling, Reentry/Formerly Incarcerated Community leaders defend Councilmember Desley…
Stopping the Stadium Mega-Development Was an Important Victory, But This Fight Is Far from Over
By Alvina Wong After four months of organizing by Laney students, faculty, and staff, Chinatown and Eastlake…
Poll Shows Most Oaklanders Want Oakland A’s to Stay at the Coliseum
Laney “is the worst site you can pick to put a baseball stadium,” says Council President Larry…
A’s Stadium Proposal “Is a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity,” Say Fans and Local Businesses
Posted in Affordable Housing, Business, Coliseum City, Community, Economic Development, Gentrification, Transportation Carl Chan By Ken Epstein Supporters are mobilizing to support the latest proposal…
Students and Staff Say Laney College Threatened by Proposed Ballpark
Posted in Coliseum City, Economic Development, Gentrification, Housing/Foreclosures, Oakland Job Programs, Responsive Government Front row: part-time instructor Evan DeGennaro, student Lauren Jelks.Top row (l…
Fans, Neighbors Differ Over Proposed A’s Stadium
A packed Peralta board meeting opened discussion Tuesday evening on proposed A’s ballpark project next to Lake…
Coalition Wants Coliseum City to Produce Jobs and Housing for Residents
Posted in Coliseum City, Economic Development, Gentrification, Housing/Foreclosures, Labor, Oakland Job Programs By Ashley Chambers In the wake of the City Council decision to…
City Council Votes to Protect Businesses in the Path of Coliseum City Project
Posted in Coliseum City, Community, Economic Development, Environment, Gentrification, Housing/Foreclosures, Labor, Oakland Job Programs, Reentry/Formerly Incarcerated, Transportation By Ken Epstein The City Council voted Tuesday to keep residential…
Opinion: As Coliseum City Project Moves Ahead, Councilmembers Vote Not to Sacrifice Jobs for Growth
By Kitty Kelly Epstein Thank you to Councilmembers Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Rebecca Kaplan, Larry Reid and Annie…
Coliseum City Proposal Would Build at Least 5,750 Units of Market Rate Units But No Guaranteed Affordable Housing
By Ken Epstein While many people are looking at the proposed Coliseum City development as the best…