Assemblymember Rob Bonta Endorses Desley Brooks for City Council
May 2, 2018
Posted in Desley B\rooks, Elections 2018
Assemblymember Rob Bonta has announced he is endorsing Desley Brooks for re-election as the District 6 City Council representative.
“I am happy to endorse you for your City Council re-election campaign,” he said.
Brooks said, “I am so proud to have Assemblymember Bonta’s endorsement. It has been a pleasure tackling issues in our district with someone who shares the same commitment to social justice and passion to make a difference as I do.”
Assemblymember Bonta was elected to the California State Assembly’s 18th District in 2012, where he represents the cities of Oakland, Alameda, and San Leandro. He is the first Filipino American legislator in the 165-year history of California.
Bonta’s passion for justice and equality was instilled in him at a very young age by his parents, who taught him to understand injustice and the importance of joining the struggle to empower vulnerable communities. His father was involved in the Civil Rights Movement and stood with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the Deep South – marching for equality and justice in Selma.
His mother continues to be a long-time leader in the Filipino social justice movement.
Growing up in a trailer just a few hundred yards from César Chávez’s home, Bonta watched closely as his parents organized Filipino and Mexican American farm workers, infusing his formative years with first-hand experience of one of the greatest peaceful social, racial, and economic justice movements of all time.
This experience had a huge impact on Bonta’s life choices and pursuits, inspiring his life’s commitment to helping people.

Bonta currently serves as the Assistant Majority Leader. He serves on the Appropriations, Communications and Conveyance, Governmental Organization, Revenue & Taxation, and Health Committees. He is also chair of the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus.