Opinion: “Oakland’s Democracy Is Strengthened by the Re-Election of Councilmember Desley Brooks,” Says Sandré Swanson
Oct 27, 2018
Posted in Commentary, Community, Desley Brooks, Elections & Voting Rights, Elections 2018, Gentrification, Homelessness, Housing/Foreclosures, Illegal dumping, Immigrant Rights, Oakland Job Programs, Police-Public Safety, Responsive Government, Sanctuary City

Desley Brooks and Sandré Swanson
I was born in the City of Oakland and have devoted my life to public service. I proudly represented the city of Oakland as our California State Assemblymember, Deputy Mayor of Oakland, the Chief of staff for Congresswoman Barbara Lee and a senior advisor to former Congressman Ron Dellums.
The Citizens of Oakland elect their Councilmembers by districts to ensure that their vote determines who will speak for and represent our community. I endorse and support Councilmember Desley Brooks because she has been a clear and effective voice for her district and the underrepresented in our city.
In my career, I have had the honor of meeting many dedicated public servants, and I have seen the challenge and negative effect of big money campaigns to oppose those dedicated public servants.
The people of Oakland’s District 6 should send a clear and strong message that Oakland’s democracy is strengthened by the re-election of Councilmember Desley Brooks, an independent and uncompromising voice for her district.
For the past 16 years, Councilmember Desley Brooks has had a successful record for Oakland. Desley Brooks’ mission to bring representation for historically underrepresented groups and Oakland’s diverse communities into City Hall is her record of service:
- As rents have skyrocketed, she has passed renter’s protection ordinances and advocated for affordable housing for all.
- As police accountability and violence has challenged safety in our community, she pushed for an independent police review commission.
- She stood up for immigrant rights and strengthened Oakland’s Sanctuary City ordinance and opposed illegal ICE raids.
- To fight joblessness and homelessness, she has set up job training programs that build bridges into the middle class for Oakland’s residents.
- To make sure Oakland is a fair, equitable place for all, she led the fight to establish the Department of Race and Equity, ensuring that City policies don’t discriminate against minorities and women.
Desley Brooks has worked tirelessly for the communities she represents, and that’s why she has earned the support of her constituents, City workers, firefighters, religious leaders, and others.
It’s why she has earned my support, and it’s why she deserves yours.