Oakland’s Minimum Wage IncreaseTakes Effect
Mar 5, 2015
Posted in Labor

By Conway Jones
Voter-enacted ballot measure FF, which raises the minimum wage in Oakland from $9 to $12.25/hour, became effective March 2.
The measure, which passed with an 82 percent majority in November, also requires employers to provide paid sick leave and payment of service charges to hospitality workers who provide the service.
“Oaklanders’ overwhelming support for raising the minimum wage clearly indicates our community’s desire for workers in Oakland to earn a fair wage,” said Mayor Libby Schaaf.
“Oakland is proud to be a part of this movement to raise the minimum wage,” she continued.
Employees who perform at least two hours of work in a particular workweek within Oakland – including part-time, temporary and seasonal employees – must be paid at least the minimum wage.
“We believe in wage increases. It is good for employees,” said Chris Hillyard, General Manager/Co-owner, Farley’s in Oakland.
“This is the time to level the playing field,” he continued. Farley and his wife have operated Farley’s for six years offering quality coffee and food at affordable prices.
Measure FF requires employers to provide paid sick leave to any employee who performs at least two hours of work in a particular workweek within Oakland.
Kiara Gomez, an employee at Farley’s for two years, said, “I am happy about this. As a single mother, this will benefit me and my son in the future.”
Measure FF also requires that hospitality employers who collect service charges from customers must pay the entirety of those charges to the hospitality workers who perform those services for which the charge was collected.
“Raising the minimum wage was just the right thing to do, even though I am unsure of customer impact,” said Sal Bednarz, owner of Actual Café.
“This new minimum wage will strengthen the Oakland economy because workers will have a decent wage,” said Mayor Schaaf. “Fair wage food tastes better,” she added.