PUEBLO Presents Award to Radio Journalist Davey D
Nov 21, 2013
Posted in Community
By Post Staff
Nationally recognized radio journalist Davey D Cook recently received a Community Leader Award recently at the 24th anniversary celebration of People United for a Better Life in Oakland (PUEBLO).
Speakers at the celebration, which was held Nov. 9 at the First Congregational Church in Oakland, talked about PUEBLO’s work this year. Among its projects are: a new BIO Reentry Program, which will provide support for the formerly incarcerated; and a new Urban Farm Incubator, which will help trainees secure sub-acre land plots for their own urban form businesses.

Davey D. Cook receives PUEBLO’s Commuinity Leader Award from Jay Jones. Photo by Ken Epstein
Other projects include a Youth Greening Oakland King Estates Community Garden, assisting students in learning sustainable living skills through create of a large garden with a small budget; and a Wage Fairness Project, in five students interviewed day laborers in East Oakland about their work conditions and are now working with experts in wage and hour law to brainstorm policy proposals for the city.
Davey D is an adjunct professor Hip Hop historian, syndicated talk show host, radio programmer, producer, deejay and a media and community activist. Originally from the Bronx, New York, he moved to California and graduated from UC Berkeley.
He is the founder and webmaster of Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner, widely considered to be one of the oldest and largest Hip Hop sites on the web: www.davey.com.