Poll Shows Voters Highly Dissatisfied with Mayor Quan
Mar 8, 2014
Posted in Elections & Voting Rights, Politics
By Ken A. Epstein
A new poll commissioned by mayoral candidate Libby Schaaf shows high levels of dissatisfaction with incumbent Mayor Jean Quan and growing support for Councilmember Schaaf.
EMC Research conducted the online survey of 595 likely voters on Feb. 5-7. The results show that most Oakland residents love their city, but they are very dissatisfied with the city’s direction, safety and Mayor Quan’s leadership.
Seventy-two percent say the city an excellent or good place to live, though only 24 percent say Oakland is heading the right direction, compared with 58 percent who say the city is on the wrong track.

Only 12 percent say they feel safer in Oakland today compared with a year or two ago. Only 15 percent say Quan is doing a good job as mayor, while 52 percent say she is doing a “poor” job.
The latest poll continues a trend of poor approval ratings for the mayor that were reported in a poll taken in the fall.
Schaaf, who launched her campaign on March 1, is gaining ground on Mayor Quian in the latest poll. The shows the councilmember winning 19 percent of the first place votes, compared with 13 percent for Quan, though 41 percent are still undecided.
Schaaf also has growing name recognition, with 69 percent of likely voters now saying they are at least familiar with her. Voter opinion on Schaaf is 28 percent favorable, 29 percent neutral and only 12 percent unfavorable.
Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, who has not entered the race, remains the leading contender should she decide to run. When Kaplan’s name was added to the poll’s choices, 18 percent of likely voters said she was their first choice.
With Kaplan slightly out in front, Schaaf was number 2 with 16 percent, followed by Quan with 10 percent, Joe Tuman with 8 percent, Dan Siegel with 6 percent and Bryan Parker with 4 percent. Thirty-Seven percent were undecided.
The survey was taken before City Auditor Courtney Ruby entered the race last week.