The John George Democratic Club in the East Bay presented its 4th biennial social justice awards Wednesday evening to Pierre LaBoissiere, a Haitian-born activist and co-founder of the Haiti Action Committe; Eva Jefferson Patterson, attorney and president and founder of the Equal Justice Society; the League of Women Voters of California; and Marisa Jolivette, a senior at San Lan Lorenzo High School, who participated in “Think China 2013,” a cross cultural exhange program. Show (L to R): Jack Fleck, club officer; Dr. Steven Pitts, UC Labor Center; Eva Jefferson Patterson; Helen Hutchinson, representing the League of Women Voters; Marisa Jolivette;Pierre LaBoissiere; Sandra J. Simon, club officer; Alona Clifton, club co-chair; and Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner. Photo by Adam L Turner.