Carroll Fife Named Director of Oakland/San Francisco ACCE
Sep 6, 2017
Posted in Affordable Housing, Against White Supremacy, Community, Economic Development, Equal Rights/Equity, Labor, Oakland Job Programs

By Ken Epstein
Carroll Fife, community activist and co-founder of the Oakland Justice Coalition, has been named interim director of Oakland Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE).
Fife is replacing Anthony Panarese, who recently left after serving in the position for 15 years.
ACCE Action has earned a strong reputation in Oakland for its work to fight home foreclosures and evictions and to pass Measure JJ to protect Oakland renters and raise the minimum wage in the city.
“I am honored to work for a member-driven organization that has dedicated its efforts to unite the community for dignified living wage jobs, affordable housing and the fight to stop displacement and hold Wall Street corporate interests in our community accountable,” said Fife.
“I look forward to helping build the Oakland/San Francisco ACCE into a stronger organization to represent the needs of the those who are being left out and left behind,” she said.
“It is through the hard work of day-to-day, base-building organizing that we will fight and win.”