BWOPA Recognizes Community and Political Leaders
Oct 27, 2013
Posted in Community
Dr. Kimberly Mayfield, chair of the Education Department at Holy Names University, Barbara Parker, Oakland City Attorney, and Lisa Williams, past board president of San Francisco Pride, are among the 2013 Ella Hill Hutch awards presented by Black Women Organized for Political Action, which this year is celebrating its 45th anniversary.
Lisa Williams
Named after the first Black woman elected official to serve the greater Bay Area in the late 1970s and a founding member of BWOPA, the awards will honor local and state African-American women political and community leaders for their achievements on Saturday, Nov. 2, 6 p.m., at Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd. in the Oakland Hills.
An award also will be presented to one African-American “Man of the Year” who has shown courage and enormous support to BWOPA, women in general and to the African-American community.
“We – BWOPA – are extremely excited to celebrate 45 years as the first women’s organization in California working on the front-line to educate, engage and train women to participate in the political process.,” said State President Dezie Woods Jones. “We have grown from our 12 founding members in 1968 to seven chapters throughout the state.”
Advance tickets for the event are $45 for individuals and can be purchased online. Tickets will be $55 at the door. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For tickets and sponsorships, visit
State honorees includeLisa Williams, immediate past board president and Interim CEO, San Francisco Pride; and Barbara Parker, Esq., City Attorney, City of Oakland.

Barbara Parker
Barbara Parker
This year’s Oakland / Berkeley Chapter honoree is Kimberly Mayfield, EdD, Education Department chair, Holy Names University. The Richmond/Contra Costa Chapter award winner is Judge Diane Becton, Superior Court of Contra Costa County.
The Fresno/San Joaquin Valley Chapter award winner is Cassandra L. Joubert, ScD Director, Central California Children’s Institute. The Hayward/South County Chapter award winner is Connie Willis, vice president, Administrative Services, Chabot College.
The San Francisco/Peninsula Chapter honoree is Jo Elias Jackson, regional director, California Democratic Party African American Caucus.
The Man of the Year is Pastor Raymond Lankford, MSW, Chief Executive Officer, Healthy Communities Inc.
Dr. Kimberly Mayfield
Special Honorees are Gary Bell, former Richmond City Councilmember, and David Glover, former Executive Director, OCCUR, Oakland.
Courtesy of the Oakland Post, October 27, 2013